Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


hi world, it's been couple months no post
how are you?if someone ask me so i would like to say bad.
BAD is three word contain sadness boredness un-happy fellings like whatta feel rite now.
the problem is ;
1. my second chemistry test still bad, the score under the standars and no remedial. I've been thinking about myself in couple weeks and there's something wrong with me. at least with the way I studied and I should change it as soon. and let me tell you later about the result.
2. rite now I stuck with my math. number 7 chapter 5 book of Sukino (anyone wanna help?)
3. keep struggle in science class, while english is the only subject i can survive in lol
4. no food here
5. I havent take a bath while it's really smelly
So , see ya next day or weeks or month or years or anytime else but i promise a new post soon

with lof,

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