Sooo, which one yours?
make it better and wider
Sooo, which one yours?
you knooooow ? holiday is comiiiiiing and now I've tons of plan which being realizing rite now. first watching movie with ilfi second eating out with mck third going to puncak and bandung the last watching movie with ajeng ilfi and others. here's my cool stuffs i'm going to do in my school holiday!!!
and how my biology assignment will be ? i should done all the lesson until 4th january. could it be finish ? I guess YES! (in fact, i haven't done any wehehe)
see ya another post♥♥♥
agak ganteng ya ngga ?haha , pernah denger lagunya yang the stupid things ga ? itu enak deh tapi gue baru bisa denger pas reff nya doang. huhu padahal pengen deh denger yang full version nya udah di cari di youtube, di tempat download lagu juga ngga ada padahal enak loh lagunya di bagian reff nya, ini nih secuil lirik nya ;
"And all the stupid things I do Have absolutely no reflection on How I feel about you How I feel about All the stupid things I do have absolutely no reflection on How I feel about you How I feel about you yeah"
ihihiihiihihihi enaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak deh cobain deh sekali-sekali denger although it's just the reff ,just enjoy it and feel the rhythm wehe aseeeeeeeek
with lof,
I really adore him as the johnny/max on the penelope ;)
okay just it,
see ya
gw punya nilai kehidupan yang bisa gw ambil dari kaka gw, yaitu ayah gw bilang waktu kaka gw sd ,smp (sma belom keliatan yaa,tp semoga aja bagusan gw) klo masalah belajar di sekolah kalah sama gw , tapi sekarang pas kuliah dia bisa tuh dapet nilai hampir sempurnya, do you know what I mean ?yuuuuuuuuuup ! walaupun kita sekarang ngga sehebat dan secemerlang juara olimpiade sains nasional/internasional sekalipun tapi kalo misalnya kita bersungguh-sungguh dengan kerjaan yang kita geluti dan sukai hasilnya juga akan maksimal, makannya jangan mau kalah sama keputusasaan (gini bukan tulisannya) dan keadaan.
dengan contoh nilai kehidupan diatas akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk mengikuti filosofi nenek moyang; kejarlah cita-cita setinggi langit dan ingat selalu
life is like a box of chocolate, you're never know what you gonna get
hooaaaaaaaaaaaamh,time's showing- 23:45, it's time for sleep now
Ciao !