Sooo, which one yours?
Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
Which Team are you ?
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
welcome holiday ;)
you knooooow ? holiday is comiiiiiing and now I've tons of plan which being realizing rite now. first watching movie with ilfi second eating out with mck third going to puncak and bandung the last watching movie with ajeng ilfi and others. here's my cool stuffs i'm going to do in my school holiday!!!
and how my biology assignment will be ? i should done all the lesson until 4th january. could it be finish ? I guess YES! (in fact, i haven't done any wehehe)
see ya another post♥♥♥
Minggu, 13 Desember 2009
time strikes 00:55 and I really cant sleep in this late hour -,- dunno why, maybe it's because I drank a glass of coffe with cafein on the afternoon. yeah, it's really works now!
actually I had no subject to study anymore, tomorrow will be free activity so it'll be alrite if i wake up late tomorrow and skip my school for one day.such a great idea you know hehehe.
hmmmmm...... in couple days more I'll take my raport and got a looong holiday! yes I always want it since the first day in my 11th class hihi. I need some recovery much time rest and refreshing.
maybe Bandung will be a perfect place to having fun in, with ilfiii too hihi (yaallah semoga jadi doooong masa cuma rencana aja) but the raport must be bad I guest huhu oh my goodness please I'm so please makes my raport better than my mid raport amiiiiiiin
okay I think it's time for sleep see ya next post!
with lof,
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
how are you?if someone ask me so i would like to say bad.
BAD is three word contain sadness boredness un-happy fellings like whatta feel rite now.
the problem is ;
1. my second chemistry test still bad, the score under the standars and no remedial. I've been thinking about myself in couple weeks and there's something wrong with me. at least with the way I studied and I should change it as soon. and let me tell you later about the result.
2. rite now I stuck with my math. number 7 chapter 5 book of Sukino (anyone wanna help?)
3. keep struggle in science class, while english is the only subject i can survive in lol
4. no food here
5. I havent take a bath while it's really smelly
So , see ya next day or weeks or month or years or anytime else but i promise a new post soon
with lof,
Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009
old friend still miss you ;)
long time no post haha miss you deh ya, today it's a great-great day I met my old course friend Tisa. we spent our day watched movie,buy some comics and kunciran (well I don't know how to say it in english). we did it all at puri mall because it was the nearest mall from my house and tisa's ahaha. actually in the morning I confused how I went there by because my sister was going to college and father was in the way back to jakarta so no one could drop me there but at 12.00 father was arrived so he drop me haha.
when I arrived Tisa had not came so I bought the ticket and we watched orphan which is the film already started 15 minutes ago but I think it's okay haha after bought ticket, tisa alreadied came and then we got in to the theatre. the film is coool all the action made me and tisa scared and sometimes close our eyes haha (stupid?) but there's some scene in that film which can made my fasting became un-perfect haha (you know lah). After finish watched we visited a book store I bought 3 hai miiko comics and Tisa bought the same comics and 2 magazine, which is one of the magazine contain all about bbf which is our fav korean movie hahhaha, after that we bougt some accesories then found a chair to sat on and we choiced in the food court haha stupid, when I was fasting I saw many people ate there, some eat burgerking, yoghurt jco, it seemed that some enzyme in my mouth were working for the secretion so I ngiler haha (like my biology teacher said) so there we just opened Tisa's mags and talk about many things. After that we're alreadied picked up to went back home so here's the goodbye time hahaha I'll hope we can spent a weekend together buudy, love ya ;) udah deh selesai dan sekarang ngga bisa tidur ngek -,-
with lof,
Selasa, 30 Juni 2009
the singer
hello world ! have you ever heard Robin Thicke's songs ? or maybe do you know Robin thicke ? if you haven't know him yet I'll show you his photos, here it is;
agak ganteng ya ngga ?haha , pernah denger lagunya yang the stupid things ga ? itu enak deh tapi gue baru bisa denger pas reff nya doang. huhu padahal pengen deh denger yang full version nya udah di cari di youtube, di tempat download lagu juga ngga ada padahal enak loh lagunya di bagian reff nya, ini nih secuil lirik nya ;
"And all the stupid things I do Have absolutely no reflection on How I feel about you How I feel about All the stupid things I do have absolutely no reflection on How I feel about you How I feel about you yeah"
ihihiihiihihihi enaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak deh cobain deh sekali-sekali denger although it's just the reff ,just enjoy it and feel the rhythm wehe aseeeeeeeek
with lof,
Senin, 29 Juni 2009
the stupid lil' person=me
yesterday oooh yeah yesterdaey, is my bad day my stupid day and also my disgraceful one in all day in LIFE , and let me share this ;
jadi ceritanya di acara sekolah gitu gue punya tugas di bagian p3k, and you guys absolutelly know their job rite? y-u-p ! the jobs is helping those people who are get an injure . I know u are not stupid like I am ;)
nah , saat ini lah detik-detik memalukan terjadi , jadi pas gue lagi jaga kalo-kalo aja ada yang terluka dipertandingan futsal, sambil gue nunggu-nunggu gitu gue ngobrol aja gitu sama Ruby menghilangkan rasa penat dan bosan karena sedikit sekali panitia yang dateng pada hari itu.
And then someone call me from the table official , he said "eh p3k,p3k",b'coz of I get a lil' bit surprised ,I tried to find the victims and ran away. but I got a wrong track I just ran into the center of the field when the other is playin' da futsal. huh ?panic? yes yes.
gue ngga ngeliat korbannya dimana karena keasikan ngobrol dan gw tuh cuma sendirian bingung coz this is my first time doing this job.
can u imagine how shy, stupid I am when the other is LAUGH OUT LOUD at me ??
wehehehe gw juga maluuuuu banget kemaren. tapi ga papa lah toh udah terjadi gw juga dapet pelajaran even it's a really basic one "jangan sekali-sekali melewati tengah lapangan walaupun niatnya mau nolong-please take ur right track" hahahahhahaha.okelah lupain aja anggap ini pengalaman menarik lucu dan unforgettable dan bisa aja kan dapet nilai bagus pas lagi bikin cerita pengalaman unik(atau tepatnya bodoh) di pelajaran bahasa indonesia or english.ya ngga?tapi susah ya klo yang namanya peristiwa memalukan emg susah buat dilupakan/dianggap beres wehehe.
by the way on the way busway, kalo cuma cerita memalukan dan ngga ditutup sama cerita yang 'happy ending' ngga seru banget ya apalagi buat indonesian kaya gue hehe, dan kabar baik nya adalah Alhamdulillah atas izin Allah gue bisa masuk ipa dan dapet ranking 5 hahahahhahah thanks god ;)
I think that's enough to end the 'hapy ending' story hahahah see ya,ciao !
with lof,
Minggu, 21 Juni 2009
SUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY , usually I always say yes, asik,huaaaaah enaaak. but in this session I feel really truly in un-mood (strange word). why? I don't really know why but to heal this feeling I hear my lifetime songs and here's the chart ;
1.Home-michael bubble
2.I'm gonna find another you-john mayer
3.The last goodbye-james morisson
4.Goodbye my lover-james blunt
5.The sweetest love-robin thicke(klo versinya samuel yg di youtube lebih enak menurut gw)
try to listen and enjoy it ofcourse, agak mendayu tapinya
okay, nite ;)
Senin, 15 Juni 2009
the continue of the last post,
Vira bring the most happinest thing again to my life, in this occasion she give me the pict of someone I really adore when I'm in the junior hs. oh my gat he's coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, but not too cool anymore right now . why ? I don't know, maybe I already have john mcavoy as his replacement of the one I adore to, wihihihi.
the most important things is ; THANKS VIRA for the pict, I hope you'll get the precious MACBOOK PRO aaaaaamin.
I really want to include the pict on this post but I think it''ll be the stupi-est thing(haha strange) and impossible but I can include the james mcavoy pict for the replacement
I really adore him as the johnny/max on the penelope ;)
okay just it,
see ya
my next holiday fate
hello world! this my third wahaaaa, and there'll be much more. gee, I have write this for twice, cause my first write was closed from the window (annoyed rite?).
this morning I went to school to attend the bridge meeting, we would talk for the TC (training card) event which is held on next october. but the unpleasant thing is the data for the meeting isn't enough,my seniors need something which is more detail than it. so we decided to end the meeting and makin' the detail one (as the seniors order) wakakaka it must be sooooooooo difficult for me .
and the surprising and the craziest thing is , I am is the 'humas' committee. and the job is : called the graduate senior to invite them to participate the event.
the job seems to be an ordinary tasks for someone who are have enough self-confidence. but for me, as the shy-er,introvert, and hard to say something generally it seems so hard. beside that there's no pulse on my cellphone, in the other hand there are at least 20 peoples that I should call (OMG, help! Ivan is the only one who are willing to help me,thanks).
Okay this evening I buy a magazine. and the topic is about holiday, all this day I just dream to have a holiday at Bandung in my aunt's house.but sudddenly, I remember that for the next holiday my friend and I will looking for donation for the TC. is it ?oh my god i even can't talk any holiday plan for bandung is already erased from this mind. I hope looking for the donation is'nt as bad as I think right now.
I hope it'll be fun (just hope)
okay I think this is enough for today, hope I can have a better one tomorrow..
see ya ;)
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
talking goals, talking future
Hello world ! this is my second write, okay bisa dibilang ini hari yang biasa aja tapi well I wanna share my story today, tadi sore gw sms-an sama temen smp gw dan lama kelamaan dari hal yang jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuh banget tentang cita-cita akhirnya ngomongin tentang cita-cita. ngga tau kenapa ya klo ngomongin cita-cita bawaannya semangat tapi kalo terlalu semangat dan cita-cita yang udah direncanain dari dulu tiba-tiba ludes dan ngga tercapai bisa ambruk kondisi psikologis dan jiwa orang yang punya cita-cita (hiperbola), tapi bener ga sih ?kadang gw ngerasa kaya gitu looh. jadi lebih baik hidup tanpa cita-cita? in the other hand, cita-cita juga bermanfaat buat tujuan kita dimasa depan.well, cita-cita gw sebenernya ada 3,yaitu :
- design interior, tapi banyak orang bilang klo mau ambil jurusan kaya gini harus bisa gambar, sedangkan gambar gw yaaah standar anak sd ngga bagus-bagus amat
- dokter kandungan/gigi, sebenenya gw rada jiji sama rumah sakit nyium baunya aja udah sesek tapi dokter adalah perkerjaan yang mulia menurut gw, dokter ga hanya mengejar kepentingan pribadi (misalnya : punya banyak uang) tapi bisa buat nilai sosial (misalnya :ikutan bakti sosial)
- paling rendah setelah berubah pikiran berulang kali akuntan, ngikutin kaka gw dah kayanya enak ngeliatin dia ngitung pake kalkulator wahahahahahaha
gw punya nilai kehidupan yang bisa gw ambil dari kaka gw, yaitu ayah gw bilang waktu kaka gw sd ,smp (sma belom keliatan yaa,tp semoga aja bagusan gw) klo masalah belajar di sekolah kalah sama gw , tapi sekarang pas kuliah dia bisa tuh dapet nilai hampir sempurnya, do you know what I mean ?yuuuuuuuuuup ! walaupun kita sekarang ngga sehebat dan secemerlang juara olimpiade sains nasional/internasional sekalipun tapi kalo misalnya kita bersungguh-sungguh dengan kerjaan yang kita geluti dan sukai hasilnya juga akan maksimal, makannya jangan mau kalah sama keputusasaan (gini bukan tulisannya) dan keadaan.
dengan contoh nilai kehidupan diatas akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk mengikuti filosofi nenek moyang; kejarlah cita-cita setinggi langit dan ingat selalu
life is like a box of chocolate, you're never know what you gonna get
hooaaaaaaaaaaaamh,time's showing- 23:45, it's time for sleep now
Ciao !
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
nothing have to do
ooh my god, this is my first time nulis blog di blogger. Actually, this is just my expression when I getting bored like now, there's no job have to do. Dari tadi emang udah ngga sekolah karena malas, ngga ada kerjaan paling yang lain dikelas cuma pada main kartu sama monopoli, laah gw ?? boseeeen meeeeeeeen main gituan. akhirnya I decided to make my own holiday for today ,yipeeeeeee..
Nah dari tadi pagi gw tuh cuma buka facebook,check email,browsing lagu, sama chat with my dearest friend Vira yang super duper lucu haha, terus tadi tuh dia ngasih gw url web kamus gaul ala Vira,
Nah ini dia : okay CHECK THIS OUT !! guys this is full of fun :)
udah aaah,I think this is enough for today see you bye....